Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Fitness! It’s easy to say you’ll keep up with it, but it can become a chore. Have no fear, Active KSA is here. We still have spots for our Standup Paddle Boarding Lesson and Whistler Hike (open on June 25). Fitness can be fun when you plan things with friends. Get the word out about these two awesome events!

If you can’t make it to our events, it is easy to find others instead! Articles on DailyHive will show you cool things offered this summer. Vancouver Trails is a great source for finding sweet trails to go hiking, no matter your skill level. And check out your local community centre for other group events that will get you outside and get you moving. We will have the Fall Events posted on our website and Eventbrite very soon!

— Piper & Nate (Active KSA)

Monday, June 18, 2018

Will you take the challenge to live without or reduce your plastic use for one month in July?

Plastic Free July is an annual, month-long challenge to protect the oceans and change our habits. For more details on the challenge, visit

You can challenge yourself (and your friends) to give up on specific plastic items and keep it going all month. You can avoid the most common single use plastic items — to-go coffee cups, straws, plastic bags, and water bottles — or challenge yourself to give it all you’ve got and eliminate as much plastic as you can.

Don’t forget to pledge to take the challenge.

If you’re not sure where your plastic comes from, you can do this quiz. You’ll get some results and the outcomes are used for research.

We’ve all heard the three ‘R’s’ — reduce, reuse, and recycle — but there are two more to consider when you’re trying to prevent using plastic:

        Refuse things you don’t need,
        Reduce the things you do need,
        Reuse what you’ve got,
        Recycle what you can,
        Rot (compost) what you can’t.

If you are curious about this idea of the five Rs, read on.

A few of my favourite ways to reduce waste during the summer are:

        Enjoy an ice cream cone instead of a cup
        Host friends for a potluck instead of getting take out
        Get your beer and cider in a refillable growler instead of cans
        Sit at the cafe, enjoy a few minutes of relaxation, and enjoy your coffee or tea
        Carry reusable cutlery, a napkin, and water bottle when you’re out and about

Do your best and don’t panic if you don’t get through the month perfectly. Look at where you ended up with plastic and see if you can take a different approach next time. Good luck on your challenge and let us know your tips and tricks!

— Mairi & Tia (Sustainable KSA)

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Five Exercises to Study

Over the next few months, Active KSA will start to bring our readers tips and ideas to help them strive for a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Physical health is one of multiple things students tend to avoid with their hectic study and work schedules. You might think going to the gym once a week is enough, but when it comes to your body, take care of it — it’s the only one you’ve got.

Here are some ways to #getactive without leaving your study area:

1.  Pushups. 10 a day will increase the strength of your arms and chest, and help with the upper back too! Those long hours of studying will not tire you out so quickly with better posture. You can modify the pushups if the traditional way is tiresome, then build up to it.


2.  Shoulder raises. Raise them periodically from time to time, bringing them right up to your ears for about 10 seconds at a time, and it will drastically relax your body during the study session.

3.  Planking. Try to do it for 30 seconds, 3 times a day. This exercise tones stomach muscles and you will find that your balance has significantly improved over the first few weeks.

4.  Head Rotation. Try doing this when your brain is too full and starts pulling your head toward your notes. Sit up straight in your chair. Then look at the ceiling for 10 seconds. Then the ground for 10 seconds. Repeat for left and right sides. Rock your head back and forth shoulder to shoulder while looking at the ground. But never do a full rotation.

5.  Squats. Aim for 15 a day! Not only do squats tone your legs and glutes, but you’ll find that running and jumping will improve as well. Also, by strengthening your legs, your circulation will get better and you may find yourself more awake and alert.

Without regular exercise, a body becomes stagnant, depressed, and slow. The negative side effects are evident within a month of not exercising. But by adding in small workouts to your everyday routine, you can conquer the low-energy blues and #getactive!

— Piper & Nate (Active KSA)