Tuesday, April 30, 2019

KSA Spotlight: Shannen Johnson-Barker

1. How did you come to work for the KSA?
I was originally hired by the KSA as a barista at Grassroots café. I worked as a supervisor at the café for many years. I was an international student and needed to find a job that worked well with my classes. Grassroots was perfect for this, it allowed me to integrate with fellow students while making money.

2. What is your position, and can you provide a brief summary of what you do?
I am now the events Coordinator for the KSA which means I get to be a part of planning all the fun events and activities that happen on campus!

3. What is your favourite thing about working here?
The people. I knew almost no one when starting at Grassroots. I was new to Canada and was incredibly shy. I found a home amongst my co-workers. I finally felt comfortable enough to come out of my shell and be myself. I have made friends great friends at the KSA.

4. Best activity to do on the weekend?
I’m not a very outdoorsy person but whenever the sun graces us with its presence I love to get out and spend time in nature, even if it’s just sitting in the garden in the sunshine with a cup of tea. I love Vancouver and take any opportunity to explore the city. I am a bit of a foody, so any weekend spent enjoying new and unique food with my friends is a good weekend.

5. What is something that makes you unique?
Maybe that I have an accent? Or that I’m incredibly sarcastic? I am sure that I have many personality traits that make me unique, but I honestly don’t know what they are. I tend to mother everybody. I’m usually pretty concerned about the well-being of those around me. I’m always checking that they have eaten well or if they need a cup of tea.

6. What is something most people don’t know about you? 
People are usually surprised that I am a trained special effects makeup artist and worked in the makeup industry before moving to Canada. I guess it is fairly surprising considering I never wear makeup. Most people assume I'm Australian or British when they meet me. I'm South African.

7. What is your favourite food?
Oh that’s a tough one. I can’t pick one so I’m going to go with my top three, in no particular order – Sushi, a perfectly tender rare steak, any and all veggies.

8. What is one of your best memories at the KSA?
I have so many amazing memories from working at Grassroots. Honestly almost every day was memorable. I worked with an amazing team and have so many great memories with them. One of my best so far from my new position is covering my veggie hating co-worker’s desk in obnoxiously happy pictures of fruits and vegetables for April Fools.

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