Thursday, September 28, 2017

Council Recap: September 22nd, 2017

The Council of the Kwantlen Students Association had their first meeting of the new school year on Friday, September 22.  The new multipurpose room in the Birch building was packed with council members, staff and guests.

Here are the FIVE things you NEED to know from this week's’ Council:

Arts Representative Jonathan Buyck went to the Langley campus, thinking the meeting was being held there.  In spite of this error, he was only 20 minutes late to the meeting.  Apparently this is something that happens often to the councillors, and at least once a semester, they’d be right!  Council meets once a semester on each of Langley, Richmond and Cloverdale campuses, with the rest of the meetings taking place on the Surrey campus.  Since they meet once a month, and there are four months in the semester...Buyck had a one in four chance of being correct.

During his report, Jay Reedy hinted that there would be a special performance at the upcoming Open Mic Night in the Grassroots cafe by someone who was “in the room”.  Have the executive council been moonlighting as an ABBA cover band?

Vice President Reedy asserted that he cannot function without 4 cups of coffee.  A cup of coffee contains on average 95 mg of caffeine, and most people can have 4 - 6 cups of coffee a day without any adverse effects.  

Two Diwali parties were approved!  The budget was amended to allow for the funding of two  events, one hosted by KPU International on campus, and one hosted by Cre8ve, a community event organizer, at a local banquet hall.

The President reminded everyone present of the upcoming by-election.  The campaign period began September 26, and polls are open 10 am - 7 pm October 17 and 18 on all campuses.  Visit for more information. Don’t miss this opportunity to vote and have your say in KSA governance!

The full minutes of this meeting, and all other KSA Council and Committee meetings, are available after approval on

- Kelsey (KSA Records Coordinator & Archivist)

Check back each week post-Council for Kelsey's list of 'The FIVE things you NEED to know from Council.'


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