Wednesday, September 20, 2017

KSA Spotlight: Ling Yan

LING YAN – REBOOT Technician
There are some pretty amazing people on our staff and because we do a lot of the 'behind the scenes' work, students don't always get to know who we actually are. Every month we'll feature a staff member (and occasionally Council member) so you can actually put a face to the name / event / project. This month, I invite you to meet Ling!

Ling is a super helpful guy around the office, always saying hello to you in the morning and fixing those pesky computer problems that you just can’t seem to figure out on your own. He came across the KSA REBOOT Technician position by pure chance and has been working on student’s electronics ever since. If you visited us at Welcome Week, he may have been the one to give you a brand new KSA REBOOT fidget spinner.

Here are a few facts about Ling…

1. Position title & brief summary of your job:
I am the Reboot technical support of the KSA and work with students to help them solve issues they are having with their laptop and desktop. I have acquired valuable experience in all facets of troubleshooting, installations, and maintenance of various desktop, laptop, and network operations.
2. What is your favourite thing about working here?
Discussing new technology with students and staff.
3. Best activity to do on the weekend?
Gym, swim or cook

4. What is something that makes you unique?
Fast and strong troubleshooting skills and I’m happy to try my best to help everyone.
5. What is your favourite food?
All tasty food.
6. Best KSA Memory:
All of my memories in the KSA are the best memories.

If your computer is slow/glitching/broken, stop by and say hi to Ling at Richmond or Surrey Campus (he works both!). He loves helping out KPU students and KSA staff!

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